The Kanto Clowns

Meet Our Kanto Clowns

Home | About Us | Clown Links | Clown's Code of Ethics | Prayer of a Clown | Schedule of Events | Location | Contact Us | Meet Our Kanto Clowns | Misc. Kanto Clown Events | Masonic Children's Festival 2005 | Special Olympics 2005 | Yamanoko & Hinode 2004 | Akiruno & Hinohara 2004


Our clown staff of volunteers are an important part of our success!!!

Here is "DH" and "Peko Peko" doing what they do best! Clowning around!!!


Both DH and Peko Peko have been members of the Kanto Clowns for several years now and are loving their second lives as clowns..... Man on right is a clown fan...Ha, Ha, Ha..

           "Kango" and "Eco Eco"


Kango and Eco Eco are both watching out for rain in the building.  Ha, Ha...

           "Chuckie Da Clown"


Chuckie --doing what he loves.  Making the kiddies happy by twisting.



What balloon would you like, let me guess my special - the hot dog!

      Presenting "Kuma-chan" and
             "Raggedy Annie"


"Kuma-chan" and "Raggedy Annie" hope to win the World's nicest Clown couple Award.  (lol)



 Wow!!! I thought twisting balloons was suppose to be easy.....

"Noodles", "Frankie", and "Peko Peko"


Introducing Noodles, Frankie, and Peko Peko.  All having a balloon of a time at a Hino hara event.



Guess who???  It's PePo!!!

Kanto Plains, Japan